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Designated a National School of Distinction by the John F. 肯尼迪中心, 新葡京平台为学生提供参与独特的课外项目的机会:严谨, 在无与伦比的学校文化背景下,大学预科课程和专业水平的艺术培训. 新葡京平台的上课时间由三个75分钟的学术课程和45分钟的弹性时间组成,然后是学生选择的澳门新葡京官网的三个多小时的沉浸式学习。 跳舞, 媒体艺术 (filmmaking, animation, creative writing), 音乐, 音乐剧, 剧院, 视觉艺术. At The 芝加哥 Academy for the 艺术, young artists master the skills necessary for academic success, 重要的思考, 和 creative expression.


  • The Academy is among the top-ranked private schools 和 is the #1 arts high school in Illinois (利基市场, 2023).

  • The 210 graduates from 2017 to 2022 earned nearly 4700万美元 in college scholarships 和 gained admission to the nation’s best colleges, 大学, 和音乐新葡京平台, from Cal艺术 to Juilliard; from Stanford to Princeton.

  • Students participate in more than 100年作品 throughout the course of the school year, 包括音乐会, 戏剧, 阅读, 放映, 录音, 和展览.

  • Academy students routinely outperform their peers in st和ardized testing. 2020 和 2021 Academy graduates scored an ACT Composite average of 24.7, 高18% than the national average.

  • 新葡京平台学生表现出对大学的高度准备(如ACT考试所示), eclipsing national “college readiness” averages in every category. 新葡京平台毕业生达到所有四项大学准备基准的百分比为 127% higher than the national average. Read more about academics at The Academy 在这里.

  • 53% of Academy students commute from outside of the City of 芝加哥.

  • 新葡京平台 2/3 of Academy graduates go on to careers in the arts, while 1/3 pursue the sciences, 人文学科, 业务, 和更多的.

The Academy is located at 1010 W. 芝加哥大道. 学校每天在奥吉维和联合车站提供三次接送巴士.

The Academy is located at 1010 W. 芝加哥大道. 学校每天在奥吉维和联合车站提供三次接送巴士.

妈妈的婚礼 卡拉的粉丝 视觉艺术'19


男孩开始跳芭蕾, 2019

男孩开始跳芭蕾, 2019

Students come to The Academy from an array of backgrounds: some have had years of training; others are exploring a newly discovered passion. 有些人来自芝加哥市,其他人从郊区或更远的地方通勤. Some spend all four high school years at The Academy; others join the community later on in their academic careers. 无论背景如何,这些学生都因对艺术的深厚热情而团结在一起. 

During the admissions process, 每个学生选择一个艺术系,在那里他们将专注于艺术教育,而在新葡京平台.


46% 白种人, 21% African American/Black, 9% Latino/Hispanic American, 7% 亚裔美国人, 15% Multiracial American, 2% 国际


47% 芝加哥, 53% 芝加哥以外

Academy families reside in more than 75 zip codes, 很大比例的学生从芝加哥以外的城市通勤,有些甚至来自印第安纳州和密歇根州. 新葡京平台提供私人巴士接送,每天三次在奥吉维和联合车站. 请浏览我们的 方向 page for more information.


The Academy enrolls approximately 140名学生 每年. The average academic class size is 15名学生. The school’s student-to-teacher ratio is 4:1. While the curriculum is designed as a four-year program, The Academy accepts a number of transfer students every year. Please contact the 招生 Department for more information.


The 芝加哥 Academy for the 艺术 is a 非营利性的501 (c) (3) organization 和 a member of the following organizations:

  • Independent School Association of the Central States (ISACS)

  • Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)

  • National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)

  • 艺术 Schools Network (ASN)

  • Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools (LMAIS)

More 新葡京平台

2023-2024 College Profile

Welcome from the Head

Dear Families 和 Friends,

40年来, 澳门新葡京官网一直是伊利诺伊州最伟大的独立学校之一, an important 芝加哥 cultural institution, 也是数百名才华横溢、充满激情的年轻艺术家的“家园”, 目的, 和卓越.

新葡京平台的“联合课程”教育模式简单,但具有变革性. Our rigorous academic program 和 immersive, 专业前的艺术培训为我们的学生在高中毕业后的各种道路做好了准备, 主要的成功, meaningful lives in the arts 和 well beyond.

The 180 graduates from 2017 to 2021 earned nearly 3900万美元 in college scholarships (that’s not a typo!) 和 gained admission to the nation’s best colleges, 大学, 和音乐新葡京平台, from Cal艺术 to Juilliard; from Stanford to Princeton.

From the Grammy Awards to the New York Times Bestseller List, our alums are not only succeeding in the professional arts world, they are prepared to define it. 作为物理学家, 企业家, 律师, 软件开发人员, 和更多的, Academy grads are thriving in a breathtaking variety of fields.

最重要的是, 然而, The Academy is characterized by its community: inspired academic teachers, professional artists with a passion for mentorship, 和 an incredible student body. 每天都能沉浸在一个社区里,这是一种独特的特权,这里的人们对这里如此投入.


Welcome to The 芝加哥 Academy for the 艺术. 欢迎回家.

